ANTI VAXXER Nobody Cares That You Are Vaccinated Shirt

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ANTI VAXXER Nobody Cares That You Are Vaccinated Shirt

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Amazon’s charity program is paying tens of thousands of dollars to anti-vaccination groups in a move experts say is “shocking” as millions of Americans remain unvaccinated in the face of a pandemic. another Covid-19 wave.

AmazonSmile is said to have donated more than $40,000 to the top sources of vaccine misinformation in 2020, according to separate analyzes by Popular Information and the Washington Post. “It was really shocking,” said Peter Hotez, chair of the National Department of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. “It’s unbelievable that Amazon is supporting those groups.”

Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts Senators and congressmen condemn Amazon for promoting anti-vaxxer books Read more The e-commerce giant’s philanthropy donates 0.5% from purchases to designated nonprofits – including at least a dozen that work against rampant vaccination in U.S.A.

Last year, Amazon donated more than $60 million to nonprofits. The ANTI VAXXER Nobody Cares That You Are Vaccinated Shirt of anti-vaccination funding is small compared to the total amount, but it can be significant for the fundraising efforts of groups with relatively small budgets. ANTI VAXXER Nobody Cares That You Are Vaccinated Shirt. The donations come after continued criticism about the retailer’s role in providing health misinformation, and it raises questions about the role tech companies play in combating health misinformation. combat misinformation and combat potential harm from the community.

Nobody Cares That You’re Vaccinated Shirt
Nobody Cares That You’re Vaccinated Shirt
Nobody Cares That You’re Vaccinated Shirt 2
Nobody Cares That You’re Vaccinated Shirt 2

Faced with a surge in coronavirus cases caused by the Omicron variant, President Emmanuel Macron of France on Wednesday said he wanted to “infuriate” millions of his citizens who refuse to be vaccinated by forcing they’re out of the country’s public spaces.

By shocking the nation with vulgar language three months before the presidential election, Mr. Macron not only conveyed a message of public health but also a political message. He seems to be calculating that exploiting growing public anger against the unvaccinated will have more potential election rewards than the risk of angering an anti-vaccination minority. for which he had little hope of gaining support. Using his harshest language to urge recalcitrants to take their shots, Mr. Macron said he would not “throw them in jail” or “vaccinate them by force.”

But he made it clear that he wanted to make their lives harder. In doing so, Mr. Macron, a shrewd political gambler who became the nation’s youngest elected leader five years ago, effectively kicked off Wednesday’s re-election campaign. results, drawing a clear line between his supporters and opponents. He also shifted the focus of the debate away from topics like immigration and Islam that have dominated the political race so far and in favor of his strongest opponents, to the right and right.

ANTI VAXXER Nobody Cares That You’re Vaccinated Shirt

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